Transaction Services: Due Diligence Assessments

Risks and liabilities can significantly affect the value of a transaction.
Phased commercial approach with desk studies, site assessments, cost estimates, concise tabular reporting and executive management reporting. Our experts in the commercial merger and acquisition process provide insight and work within the tight deadlines of the acquisition process.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

Identification and assessment OF ESG practices against internationally accepted factors of relevance
(PRI, UN Global Compact, ISO 26000). The assessment of the level of maturity of EGS company practices. Concise tabular reporting mentioning the ESG factors, issues, improvement opportunities and recommended actions.

Environmental Due Diligence (EDD)

Identification and assessment of material environmental liabilities that enable stakeholders to avoid deal stoppers and significant unforeseen capital expenditures.
Phased commercial EDD-approach comprises of desk studies, site assessments and reporting of cost of compliance.

Asset Integrity Due Diligence

Identification of major asset integrity and technical liabilities enable stakeholders to avoid deal stoppers and unforeseen expenditures. Assessment of planned projects, maintenance, RBI-programs, Maintenance Management Systems (ICT) and technical compliance. Report significant unforeseen costs and scenario’s to maintain asset integrity, technical compliance and availability on a good level.

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